Welcome to Jesse's Webpage!


I am making this webpage at the moment, mainly because I am bored, but also because it is something I have wanted to do for a while yet hadn't gotten around to. One of the main reasons why I am interested in maintaining a neocities site is the dissillusionment with the contemporary web and the dissapoinment in the what it has turned into with all the cool revolutionary aspects of it largely hollowed out and turned into a neo-corporate hellscape.

I don't plan to do anything serious on this website at the moment, my main ideas for the site, once I get everything up and running is to make a daily blog like section, mainly with the mind of writing at least a sentence a day in 日本語 to practice my Japanese composition skills. I suppose I may also write posts about other things in english, if I feel so inspired, since I don't actually enjoy posting on twitter anymore.